Champion Q&A: Hero Fiennes Tiffin

“the approach needs to be tailored to each individual and their needs, to ensure that no-one feels alone or isolated.”

When did your love of football begin?

My love of football has been in me for as long as I can remember. Just ask my mum, I broke a LOT of stuff in the house growing up.

Why are you becoming a Homeless World Cup Champion?

I’m becoming a Homeless World Cup Champion because I want to help people, and if I can do it by watching and playing football well that just sounds like the best possible way anyone could spend their time… also it’s not a bad title right.

How do we end homelessness?

What I’ve learned from talking with the Homeless World Cup team is that it’s crucial every person is given the right support and space to make them feel safe. Each person’s experience of homelessness is different, so the approach needs to be tailored to each individual and their needs, to ensure that no-one feels alone or isolated.

If you could wake up with the skills of any footballer, past or present, whose skills would you adopt?

Ronaldinho. I don’t think I have to explain myself here.

Tell us something people might not know about you.

One thing people might not know about me is that my left foot is dreadful.


Champion Q&A: Cristina Rodlo


African Street Football Cup