Champion Q&A: Honey Thaljieh

“we must care, because when we care we can only then make a difference.”

When did your love of football begin?

When I was 7 years old in the narrow and old streets of Bethlehem.

Why are you becoming a Homeless World Cup Champion?

Because I know what it means to not have a home and to grow up in difficult circumstances full of challenges and a lack of security. I have been through hard times growing up in Palestine and I know that with people who do not have home that playing football will give them hope, opportunities, dignity and respect on and off the pitch and perhaps one day they will make the impossible possible.

This happened to me and I need to share this with others who think it might not be possible. I always say if I managed to change my life and face all the challenges and made my dream come true, then you can all do the same.

How do we end homelessness?

Awareness, events like the Homeless World Cup, leaders to invest in changing lives, building shelters, education and rehabilitation are key as well. But most importantly we must care, because when we care we can only then make a difference.

If you could wake up with the skills of any footballer, past or present, whose skills would you adopt?

The Brazilian Marta. She is impressive not only on the pitch but off the pitch as well.

Tell us something people might not know about you.

 If I tell you, then they will know… So let’s keep it the way it is until they will find out one day themselves.


The Homeless World Cup A-Z of ‘home’


Champion Q&A: Michael Sheen