Credit: Dan Higginson

Despite happening in sunny California, the voice of Homeless World Cup’s opening ceremony at Hornet Stadium had a distinctly un-American edge to it. More BBC than NBC – though both broadcasters feature in the resume of London-born Rebecca Lowe, who began her television career with the former and is now lead presenter with NBC Sports for their Premier League show in the US.

“I’ve lived in America for ten years now,” she explains. “When NBC hired me, in 2013, to do the Premier League coverage they wanted an authentic English host, so I guess I’m slightly under pressure not to lose the accent! Though now I have a little boy, who’s seven, and with every passing day he gets more American - less the intonation, more the vocabulary. He only understands that pants are trousers, so now I have to use the word pants!”

Her accent may not have changed but, she explains, the popularity of soccer in the US has definitely risen over the last decade.

“When I first came here you might see the odd Manchester United shirt out and about. Now, not only am I seeing that every day, everywhere I go but there are also Southampton, Crystal Palace other English team shirts.

"This country has been first in so many sports – including NFL and Olympic disciplines – and football has been a slow burn,” she continues. “But things that are a slow burn tend to last and there’s a sense here that the great sleeping giant that is the United States is just opening its eyes to soccer. The rest of the world can’t be wrong - we know it’s the best sport in the world!

“With the Women’s World Cup later this month, the Homeless World Cup happening just now – there’s a major appetite here for football.”

A move from the east coast – where her Premier League show is filmed – to the Sacramento area seven years ago sparked the start of her introduction to street soccer.

“We came here when my husband was made head coach of Sacramento Republic, the professional men’s football team here,” says Rebecca. “Through that role he came into contact with Erika Bjork, Cassandra Pye, Lisa Wrightsman and Tiffany Fraser - all people involved in Street Soccer USA in Sacramento.

“Over the years they invited me to be part of their fundraising events, to increase awareness using my social media channels, just trying to get Street Soccer USA out there as much as possible because we know all the amazing things it does. I strongly believe in the cause and, of course, I’m football obsessed, so it’s the perfect charity for me combining my passions of football and human interest.

"When I was invited here for the opening ceremony and to MC proceedings I said yes and cleared my calendar. Absolutely. I really wanted to be here to show my support.”

With the 2026 FIFA World Cup hosted by the United States, Mexico and Canada, Rebecca believes there’s an opportunity for Homeless World Cup to find a way back to the USA and link up with that buzz. “Watching everyone parade into the stadium, flags flying and proudly sporting their national jerseys, I think it would be amazing to experience that incredible vibe again and propel the Homeless World Cup even further.”

Written by Isobel Irvine

Photo by Daniel Higginson




Sister Act: Football and Familial Reconnections