Become a Homeless World Cup Country Member
Before you apply, please check if a Partner already exists for your country.
If so, please contact them to discuss potential ways to collaborate.
Learn more about the Member Criteria and our Charter of Values.

Member Criteria
The following minimum conditions must be met by local member organisations in order to be considered eligible to enter into a Full Partnership with the Homeless World Cup.
Any partner with Provisional status (see Process below) will be expected to meet the following criteria in order to move into Full Partnership.
Your programmes
The Street Football Partner must be currently delivering a football-for-development programme, which must:
Be delivered regularly (at least weekly)
Be delivered year-round (12 months/year)
Actively engage participants (over 16 years old) who are experiencing homelessness or who are otherwise economically or socially marginalised
Operate an inclusive programme that actively encourages participants regardless of age, sex, race, religion, disability and sexual orientation.
Be working towards delivering the programme on a national level, in multiple locations of the country.
Provide a safe environment, ensuring participants are protected from harm, including all forms of exploitation, abuse and harassment.
Deliver or provide access to appropriate complementary social, health, educational and/or vocational services.
As an organisation, you must:
Be registered in the country of delivery.
Be responsible for the financial sustainability and good governance of the football-for-development programme.
Have a national presence, including online visibility to demonstrate your work.
Collaborate with other local partners and service providers to maximise impact and support for players.
Work towards positive media coverage that contributes to attitudinal and policy changes on homelessness.
Be open to collaborating with HWC activities and its international partners whenever possible, including online or at events, tournaments, partner visits etc.
Align with the principles and values of the HWC (see Our Values).
Recognise HWC visibly on your website and other promotional materials/events.
Issues to note
Whilst HWC seek to provide as many opportunities for each member as possible, being a member does not guarantee attendance at the Homeless World Cup.
Each member is invited to apply every year and must finance their own travel costs to the event and provide team kit. Once at the tournament, accommodation and specific subsistence costs are covered by the event organisers.
Successful new members will be granted a ‘Provisional Partner’ status for 12 months. This will allow both the member and the HWC to build communication and better understand one another’s needs and ways of operating.
At 12 months, this will be reviewed through additional documentation and discussions in order to be considered for ‘Full Partner’ status. If successful, a 3-year renewable partner agreement will be signed, detailing responsibilities for each party.
Please note, under normal circumstances, only Full Members will be invited to apply to the Homeless World Cup.

Steps to join our Network
Complete the New Partnership Application Form
After you have completed the application form (available to download above), HWCF will schedule a call with your organisation representative for follow-up questions and discussion.
Provide as much of the following as possible (if not submitted with the Application Form):
– Annual reports
– Details of the structure of the organisation
– Evidence of established programme e.g. an office base, evidence organisation has a bank account, details of management board, and schedule of regular programmes and activities.
– References from two local organisations, e.g. Red Cross, Caritas, etc.
– Details of further development opportunities. i.e. opportunities for players to move on to education, training or jobs/income generation.Applicant is then connected with an existing HWCF partner in their region in order to offer the applicant a deeper understanding of what the partnership will entail.
Meeting with HWCF to reach final decision.
A Provisional Partner Agreement is signed between HWCF and the partner, valid for 12 months.
During the initial 12-month period, further data is gathered (including HWCF annual survey of partners). Interaction is also strengthened in order to feed into a decision to move into Full Partner status.
Following the 12-month provisional period, the partnership is reviewed, following the same procedures as outlined below in the ‘Ongoing Existing Partnerships’. If HWCF is satisfied that the partner is able to commit to the responsibilities required of a Full Partnership, then a new Full Agreement may be signed.
The 3-year Full Partner Agreement is reviewed approximately 3 months prior to expiring.The Homeless World Cup analyses the relationship based on several criteria including the strength of the national programme, the progression throughout the three years, the communication with HWCF and other partners and the participation in the annual tournament (if attended).
If the Homeless World Cup is satisfied that the partner continues to fulfil its responsibilities as stated in the Full Partner Agreement, a new agreement will be issued and signed for a further 3 years.
Either party (HWCF or local partner) reserves the right to terminate the partnership at any point if:One party considers the other party to be no longer fulfilling its responsibilities as stated in the Full Partner Agreement.
One party has behaved in such a way as to put the credibility or work of the other party at risk.
Further details of the process to mutually seek an outcome are detailed in the Full Partner Agreement.
Depending on the severity of the breach, this may include a plan of action to address the loss of confidence or the procedure for a direct termination.